Hormone Optimization
It is a fact that as we age, production of hormones declines progressively.
This could be the most controversial topic on the site. In women, the process is quite familiar as menopause. As the ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone, women become susceptible to numerous chronic diseases. In men, a similar but less recognized process: andropause also occurs as testicles produce less testosterone, resulting in a similar risk profile. Similarly, thyroid hormone, growth hormone and others slowly decline.
Through complex interactions, hormones are linked and in balance during reproductive years. As this balance is interrupted, the body is negatively impacted subjectively (I don’t feel well) and objectively (I’m not performing well). One of the biggest effects is the trend to retain increased fat stores and all of the problems that come with it! Combined with low energy and fatigue, a bad cycle results.
With comprehensive lab testing, hormone deficiencies can be identified and at least in part corrected in an effort to re-establish a healthy hormonal balance in the body. In men, testosterone replacement therapy is most common. In women, estrogen, progesterone and also low dose testosterone.
Growth hormone replacement has been more heavily regulated in recent years, with very specific testing required to verify a true deficiency and stringent prescribing limitations and restrictions. It is most important to note that hormone optimization corrects to a healthy level as defined by serial labs.
Replacing hormones safely and correctly requires skill, expertise and careful follow up.
It is one area of age management where there is potential for harm if done incorrectly. Consider hormone optimization the match which lights the fire to manage age with the techniques described in age management. If hormonal balance is not present, the overall response to exercise, nutrition strategies, supplementation and motivation are all blunted (not unhelpful, but less efficient and effective).